the penultimate temari post – I promise

See intro here. See supply list here. See part 1 here.  See part 2a here. See part 2b here. See part 3 here.

So, there’s one more small step to prepare the ball for embroidery – the obi and tacking down the marking threads. This particular pattern does not use a decorative obi, nor do you need it for the design stitching so all we need to do now is tack down the marking threads around the obi pins so that they are secure. Thread your needle with the same sewing thread that you used to wrap the ball. Bring the needle tip out directly underneath an obi pin and bury the knotted end into the yarn wrap layer – it’s easiest to work sideways here, like this:


Take two tiny stitches at the pin location, as in a cross stitch or “x” that secures the metallic thread to the ball. Now, travel to the next obi pin and repeat the process until all of the marking threads are tacked down. As you are using exactly the same thread as the wrap colour it is not necessary to hide the thread as you work around the ball.

I have some time set aside to complete this tutorial tomorrow morning. I’d like to get the post up so that it’s done and those that are completing one can enjoy it on the tree for a few days! If you couldn’t care less, I’ll see you on Wednesday for the yarn along.

Posted in Temari | 1 Comment

’tis the season

It’s that time of year where sniffly noses and over-scheduled calendars collide. Nicholas has been down for the count for the last two days with a nasty bug. We’ve been lying low during the day and John takes over when he gets home from work. My FIL is with us this week as well and has been instrumental in helping keep the flow of the schedule moving along.

This morning finds the small boy and I in bed, enjoying some knitting and Geronimo Stilton. These books drive me bananas, though they are great for the kids learning about things that don’t come up in everyday conversations. Each chapter usually involves a million questions – the latest here, I needed to explain blacksmiths, courthouses and saloons. “After finishing a Geronimo Stilton book, mummy needs a saloon.” Still plugging away on my Dad’s scarf – crunch time as it’s only 2/3 finished…


I’ve also managed to put in a few stitches into my William Morris tapestry – hello birdie #2!


Last night saw Sarah and I at her school for the Junior Festive Concert evening. It was great! Those teachers worked so hard to put on an enjoyable program and the kids enjoyed themselves. This was the first set of the night. There were three major stage changes with 6 different groups playing and a choir that sang beautifully. I do love this time of year. It’s hard to see her here, but she’s the kid directly in the middle of the front row. As the only oboe player she gets the primo spot 🙂


Joining with Ginny and the yarn along!

Posted in Knitting, Life, Needlepoint | 8 Comments

back in the temari saddle and hello instagram

I’ve been sucked into the Instagram world – so many beautiful pictures…. Join me here: carriefluter:  if you care for the odd silly dog, knitting or family life photo and let me know your link too!

See intro here. See supply list here. See part 1 here.  See part 2a here. See part 2b here.

Ready? OK – Take your wrapped and marked ball, a longish sharp needle and some metallic or perl cotton (this is now your marking thread) that is a different colour from the sewing thread wrap. Take your marking thread and measure 5-6 wraps around the ball. Cut and thread the needle with it. Put a small knot on the other end of the marking thread. Insert the needle into the yarn wrap layer about 1.5″ away from the North pole and bring the needle up directly beside the North pole pin. Pull the thread all the way through, burying the knot into the yarn wrap so it is now attached to the ball. You can leave the needle on or take it off and re-thread in a minute.


From the North pole (and always keeping the white pin facing you – DO NOT TURN THE BALL AS YOU WRAP) take the marking thread and wrap it around the ball away from you, staying to the LEFT of the obi pin, the left of the South pole pin, and again to the left of the matching obi pin to complete a full wrap around the ball all the while the North pole pin has been staring at you the whole time – like this: (don’t trust the photo entirely – it’s a bit of an illusion – the thread is on the left side of the pins, I just couldn’t get a good angle whilst juggling the ball and my phone to take the photo. See how the thread is now headed to the right? Take that thread and now move to the next set of pins to the right and wrap again always staying to the left side of the pins, wrapping around an 1/8 of a turn at the North pole pin which keeps the thread in place.


Go all the way around the ball – there should now be 8 marking lines around the ball and where you meet up where you started, one thread will now appear to be on the wrong side of the pin, because you’ve stayed to the left every time, you’ll have one spot where the marking threads meet on the other side of the pin – this is correct. Tack down the marking thread at the North pole 4-5 times catching some of the sewing thread to keep it secure, and on the last stitch, take the needle out an inch from the pole through the yarn wrap and clip it (very carefully) off.



Just as you began the thread when we started, with a small knot and hiding it in the yarn wrap at the North pole – do the same thing at the South pole and tack that pole down as well finishing the same as the other pole. Then, when you’re done (leave all of the pins where they are – you should have something that looks like this:


There you go for today, I’ll have a shorter post up on Friday for how to add the obi and secure the intersections of the marking thread. Next week we embroider the ball!

Posted in Life, Temari | 1 Comment

service announcement

I’m very sorry to say that I won’t have the temari post today. I’m overwhelmed at the moment with work and life and this has to take a back burner until my list has shortened somewhat. Looking ahead, I now have it scheduled in to write the post on Monday morning. I apologize for this, but I’m sure you understand the craziness of this particular season.

It’s a madhouse around here. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Posted in Life | 7 Comments

yarn along wednesday


Brown and grey – my favourite, but they are really boring to photograph…… Umaro has grown another repeat, I love this blanket so much that I suspect the instant I give it to my mother I will cast on another for myself. Dad’s scarf is also growing – I’m a ball and a half in and I think it might be nearing the halfway mark. Hard to tell until I try it on John who is about the same height. Scarves always seem like a good and easy idea until I remember how blooming long they are……..

I have not had much time for reading but am still enjoying the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and have begun reading War and Peace as my classic now that I’ve finished Jane Eyre. It’s a bit of a slog as I’m struggling with ALL OF THE DIFFERENT RUSSIAN NAMES – for the love of……… With a bit of a freebie online chapter guide though, I’m finding that I’m getting involved with the snapshots of their lives so far – I’m only 100 pages in, but pleased to finally be tackling this monster as it’s been on my list for a long time.

Joining with Ginny

Posted in Knitting, yarn along | 3 Comments


There will not be a temari post today. It will probably go up on Thursday around lunchtime. I apologize, but it was a hectic weekend and today my day job is requiring my full attention. I work for John’s retail store doing bookwork, and my boss has informed me that it needs to get done if we want to pay bills and eat food. Well, maybe I put those words into his mouth……

Sarah’s first concert as principal oboe was a success yesterday and she played all of her solos beautifully. Her teacher came and was just as proud as I was. The temari class that I taught on Saturday went very well, the students were keen and seemed to enjoy themselves. I have a photo but forgot to ask permission to post it. :sad trombone:

I put a few stitches into Hands on Design’s November “A Year in Chalk Series.” It seemed a fitting tribute to those celebrating this weekend. It’s a super quick stitch and a well charted pattern. I don’t love working on the dark fabric, but I’ll get over it.


Posted in Cross Stitch, Life | 2 Comments

temari part 2b

See intro here. See supply list here. See part 1 here.  See part 2a here.

Today’s post will catch me up to what I had hoped to complete on Monday.

You’ll need the paper strip that we used to measure the ball to find the South pole. Fold it exactly in half again and clip another V notch in the right hand corner so that when opened there are now 3 total notches along the length of the strip. This is how you will begin the process of marking the middle of the ball for the “obi” (belt) which is the marking around the equator of the ball. I know the following photos are less than ideal but it has been grey and rainy all week and if I’m to get this done, this will have to do. If you cannot see clearly or don’t understand anything – please, leave me a question or comment. Take the paper strip and wrap it around the ball, from the North pole and back around to itself again, taking care to place the South pole in its notch. In the two new notches, place pins. You’ve now divided the equator in half. Using your eye, turn the ball and divide the equator now in quarters, then divide the quarters into eighths. When done, you should have 8 pins somewhat evenly around the belt of the temari.


Now we will make sure those 8 pins are in the correct location. Take a small fabric measuring tape and choose an obi pin to begin with. Wrap around right underneath the 8 pins and take the measurement being precise. The circumference of mine was 27.7cm. Divide that number by 8 and you have the distance that your pins should be apart, moving them carefully to preserve their location with regard to the vertical measurement taken with the strip. When they are even, you can double check their location with the paper strip again making sure everything is correct. That’s it for measuring, on Monday we will mark the lines with our metallic thread.


Yesterday was new toy day for Daria. Eddie isn’t interested in them, he seems afraid of them if you try to play – he likes to have fun when no one is around and it usually involves yarn. Daria on the other hand is still very much a puppy at 9 years old when there is a new toy just for her and she is always very vocal with her approval.


Life is good 🙂

Posted in Life, Temari | 1 Comment

soup again and chalkboard designs

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today!

I had a butternut squash on the counter the other day and a hankering for soup so pulled some ideas from a few different recipes online and came up with a rather delicious concoction. A friend had mentioned cooking the squash in a slowcooker so I gave that a try and it turned out brilliantly. Just pop the whole (washed) squash in the cooker and let it do the work – 4-5 hours on high or 8 hours on low. Then split, scoop out the seeds and you’ve got perfectly cooked squash. I had a few full bags of carrots lying around so thought I would roast some to add to the flavour. My cooking downfall is that I don’t measure anything, I season to taste so I will try to write out a recipe with similar quantities to what I used. The coconut milk was a delicious addition. Also, right before serving it, I took a stick blender to the pot and did a final puree to smooth it out a bit more.


Use Up That Squash Soup

  • 1 large butternut squash, cooked, seeds removed and mashed
  • 5 lb carrots
  • 1 large potato
  • olive oil
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 8-10 cups chicken or vegetable broth
  • salt
  • 1 tsp. ground ginger
  • 2-3 tbs curry powder
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin

I did not peel the carrots – give them and the potato a good scrub, top and tail them – chop into smaller pieces and roast on a cookie sheet drizzled liberally with olive oil and salt. Roast at 375degrees until tender and browned (about an hour or less) Puree in blender or Cuisinart with some of the stock.


In a large stockpot, saute the spices in a small amount of olive oil until fragrant. The above amount certainly has a small bite to it. Nicholas hated this soup, but John ate enough to sink a small ship. If you are sensitive to spice, start with half of the amount and add more later if desired. Add the squash, carrot/potato puree, stock and coconut milk to the spices and stir. Heat through and blend a bit more with a handheld blender if desired for smoothness of texture.

Makes a lot of soup. Should freeze well but haven’t tried yet.

Posted in good food, Life | 6 Comments

monday, monday – temari part 2a

See intro here. See supply list here. See part 1 here.

OK! So – here’s what we’ll need today:


Ignore the stuff in the back, you will not need a razor blade or weird cork tubes. My daughter is an oboe player and this is her reed making desk. It had the clearest space to take the photos today. The rest of the house needs a shovel taken to it.

Choose a spot to be the top of the ball and place a pin with a white head in it. This will be your North Pole. – get it? White for snow so you’ll remember it’s the North pole…. Take a 1/4″ strip of paper that will wrap  exactly (trim the end to match beginning to end) around the circumference of your ball. Fold it exactly in half and snip the bottom right corner off so that when you open it, you will have a V notch in the paper.


In the above photo, you can see how I trimmed the paper strip to meet end to end. You will need to try the paper strip on several different turns around the ball, because it’s most likely not exactly round. Don’t drive yourself crazy pick the happy medium, it won’t matter a great deal for this ball. This is a terrible attitude, and if you decide that you would like to become a Temari master, don’t follow my advice. If you’re just looking to make a pretty ornament for the tree – carry on.


Using the V notch, now find your South Pole using a different coloured pin. You will need to test several wraps around the ball to find the median place to put this pin, and will probably need to adjust its spot a few times. Again – best judgement, don’t go crazy. If this were any other pattern, you would have to be much more exact but for this one, within a few mm is good enough.So, now you should have your North and South poles marked. I’ll post part 2b on Friday as I don’t want these posts to be too huge. If you’re loving this and need more, more, more – please consider purchasing this book by Diane Vandevoort – How to Make Japanese Thread Balls – Beginner – this book and a few others were instrumental in teaching myself basically how to go about it. (She has no idea who I am, and I have absolutely no vested interest in recommending her book) Her diagrams are clear and with a bit of puzzling over, the directions can be followed.


Yeah. I had a great weekend. We went to the Turner exhibit at the AGO and took a photo outside. I was supposed to be “fierce” and she was eccentric – but I laughed too hard to have the right expression. As you can see peeking from the bottom right, the Irish Hiking scarf has found a good home. I’m so fortunate to have wonderful friends, both old and new who bring me great joy.

Posted in Life, Temari | 4 Comments


Just a quick check in today – I’m off to Toronto for the weekend to visit a dear friend who I don’t see nearly often enough (the cream cabled infinity scarf is for her!)

I have meant to post a few more WIPS on here throughout November which hasn’t really happened – I guess I had too many other things to blather on about.

This is a Blackbird Design  – the name escapes me at the moment (I’ll look it up and correct that on Sunday when I get home) It’s a three part design and I’ve finished only the first part as you can see. It’s stitched on a 32 count linen – 2 threads over 2 and I’m using the charted threads.


And yes – that’s my bathtub 🙂 The very best light in the house is in my bedroom and the tub is in there. Yes, it’s a weird house and I like it because I’m a little weird as well.

I hope you all find a few minutes for some fun this weekend.

Posted in Cross Stitch | 8 Comments