temari supplies


You’ll need:

  • 1 styrofoam ball – the one with the rough surface is much easier to work with.
  • yarn – enough to completely wrap the ball and not thicker than sport weight. It matters not what colour, this will be completely covered up.
  • sewing thread – approx. 300m. I like to use serger thread because it’s inexpensive and I can wrap several balls with one cone.
  • two contrasting colours of #5 perl cotton
  • one skein (if desired) of a metallic thread that matches the thickness of the #5 perl. This is not crucial – you can use perl cotton, but the metallic is very pretty. DMC makes a metallic that you can use (the threads will not be separated)
  • long, sharp needle – there are specific temari needles but you can use a #18 or #20 tapestry needle just as well.
  • scissors
  • a good attitude.

I’ll post the first part of the instructions on Monday morning. It will probably take three tutorials to finish the learner ball and I aim to post them on Mondays as it’s a light work day for me.

I wish you all a bit of relaxation and fun this weekend, the weather is abysmal here which suits this knitter/stitcher just fine 🙂 Time for a hot coffee, the fireplace on and some fiber-y goodness.

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4 Responses to temari supplies

  1. fawn says:

    Oh… you are tempting me with this project, but I know better than to start another project. It’ll be fun just to follow along on your blog and enjoy it vicariously! 🙂

  2. S. Twomey says:

    Is there anywhere to buy tiny interior balls, so I can do just the design work?



    • caroline says:

      I believe there are places – maybe Etsy – that sell pre-wrapped balls, but I’ve never bought them before and am not entirely sure where to look. I hope you track some down!

  3. Vanessa says:

    Noted! I hope I can buy the supply’s that I don’t have, and maybe I try to do this on weekend 🙂

    Thanks to share this art with us <3

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